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IREW provides employees and other individuals with a whole host of options for use in their professional and personal lives.

Personal professional account in IREW

Individuals cannot register directly. They must be registered by a corporation.


More information about registration options

age 16+ only

Personal data protection

Alternative personal identification without the need for official ID documents.

An IREW eID Card is used to prove personal identity to the required extent. It does not contain any sensitive data, but is nonetheless sufficiently protected against misuse by third parties, copying or counterfeiting.

Social network

Browse the profile accounts of other registered individuals and verify unknown individuals which whom you come into contact.

Your own presentation

Present your knowledge, skills and experience.
Use excellent assessments from previous employers when negotiating with a future employer.

Always in touch

Show your contact details in your profile to allow those around you to get in touch.

Entry systems

The IREW eID Card is fitted with an HID MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 electronic chip.
It can be used as a unique identifier for all entry devices which you use – both at work and for private purposes.

Unique, universal

A universal international identification system. A unique universal identifier.

ICE | in case of emmergency

if persons are at risk
in situations of momentary indisposition

Contact to a close person

IREW might also contain a contact to a person close to the registered person. If the registered person is at risk or momentarily indisposed, a relative or acquaintance can be contacted.

Information about medical condition

Just as with contacts to a close person, the registered person may voluntarily provide information about medical condition, blood type or medication used on a regular basis. If he is momentarily indisposed, emergency services have instant information about the case history of the patient.

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